Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

6 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 17746
Author(s): Leonardi, Claudio
Title : Agata e il potere [Agatha of Catania was martyred in the third century. Her death was recorded in saints' lives, where it was presented as an imitation of Christ. Agatha's "Legenda" recounted her interrogations by the Roman magistrate and conveyed a sense of her femininity. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Hagiographica: Rivista di agiografia e biografia della società internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo Latino/ Journal of Hagiography and Biography of Società Internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo Latino , 13., ( 2006):  Pages 1 - 10.
Year of Publication: 2006.

2. Record Number: 7078
Author(s): Boynton, Susan and Martina Pantarotto
Title : Ricerche sul breviario di Santa Giulia (Brescia, Biblioteca Queriniana, ms. H VI 21) [The monastery of Santa Giulia, Brescia, by the eleventh century had passed from imperial to local patronage. The paleographic and musical evidence place the origin of the manuscript in the eleventh century with additions made in the twelfth. Saint Agatha, a virgin martyr of noble birth, who had a special appeal to well-born nuns, received particular attention. The manuscript also shows scarce evidence of the glossing of liturgical texts. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studi Medievali , 42., 1 (Giugno 2001):  Pages 301 - 318.
Year of Publication: 2001.

3. Record Number: 5695
Author(s): Morini, Carla.
Title : La Passio S. Agathae. La tradizione medievale inglese [Agatha's legend was known in Anglo-Saxon England; one of the most influential versions in the late Middle Ages was that in the "Legenda Aurea;" Middle English translations derived from Latin, not Anglo-Saxon, texts; some influence from French hagiographic materials also can be discerned].
Source: Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale , 42., 1 (gennaio-giugno 2000):  Pages 49 - 60.
Year of Publication: 2000.

4. Record Number: 795
Author(s): Cheney, Liana De Girolami.
Title : The Cult of Saint Agatha [Discusses the trial of St. Agatha, the pornographic violence of her martydom in late medieval drama and art, and Giulio Campi's sixteenth century Fresco cycle].
Source: Woman's Art Journal (Full Text via JSTOR) 17, 1 (Spring/Summer 1996): 3-9. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1996.

5. Record Number: 496
Author(s): Menzer, Melinda J.
Title : I Have My Breast Sound in My Soul: Aelfrica's "Life of Saint Agatha" [Thirtieth International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 1995. Thirtieth Symposium on the Sources of Anglo- Saxon Culture, co- sponsered by the Institute and CEMERS, Binghamton University. Session 170.]
Source: Old English Newsletter , 28., 3 (Spring 1995):
Year of Publication: 1995.

6. Record Number: 37357
Title : Christ with Saints Peter, Paul, Agatha, Cecilia, Valerian, and Pope Paschal I
Source: Old English Newsletter , 28., 3 (Spring 1995):
Year of Publication: